1. You may hold these dates for up to 7 days. We will send you a confirmation email to let you know we have your date held.
2.Once you have confirmed your dates, fill out the Rental Application here at wallacehall.org
3. We will send you a confirmation and a lease agreement. Your event will be considered a temporary hold until the College executes the signed lease agreement. Sign and return your lease to same address as above.
4. We will invoice you approximately 30 days before your event date.
5. We will automatically schedule GSCC Security for your event. The lessee shall pay the officer(s) on the day of the event.
6. Your payment is due a minimum of three (3) business days before your event date. You may pay by check (mail) or cash at the GSCC Business Office located in Allen Hall.
7. You arrive for your show!